
目前顯示的是 10月, 2019的文章

太陽馬戲團+天才米其林主廚的晚餐實驗室 Heart ibiza by Ferran Adria費蘭阿德里亞/ Albert Adria 亞伯特阿...

今天要和大家介紹超體驗的Heart Ibiza餐廳,一家村上隆都很喜愛,且是由西班牙米其林天才大廚Albert與Ferran Adrià兄弟主理的,再結合太陽馬戲團的表演,真的是前所未有的超棒用餐體驗!整個用餐過程分三階段, 第 1️⃣ 階段 馬戲團後台區 會吃些街邊小食,還有創意酒,同時可以看到馬戲團表驗者,在後台的準備工作,表演練習,超近距離接觸 第 2️⃣ 階段 中庭閒聊區 主要就是在暖場,也會有很多經典創意料理,然後有些小表演,邊吃邊感受上菜的創意與太陽馬戲團暖場 第 3️⃣ 階段 主影院區 今晚真正的高潮,再用餐的同時可以看到各式各樣的表演,有些表演真的是超級驚心(當晚也出現一個比較大的失誤)。 Today I want to introduce the restaurant offering ultimate dining experience, called Heart Ibiza. This is managed by Michelin star brothers, Albert and Ferran Adria and you can also enjoy fantastic shows performed by cirque du Soleil. It’s an amazing dining experience. The whole dining have three phrases, First - Backstage While trying street foods and cocktails, you can watch those performers to prepare and practice Second - Terrace It’s about to warm up before the main show. Third - Theater It’s spot lights tonight. You can see a variety of shows while enjoying foods. Those shows are amazing! music The Punisher by Savfk @savfk Music provided by Free Music for V...

輕奢渡假伊比沙灣諾布飯店+塔拉曼卡海邊/ Nobu Hotel Ibiza Bay‎ + Talamanca Bay

Nobu hotel Ibiza Bay 最大亮點就是這海景房,還有海沿邊就有兩個很大的泳池。另外飯店有一家日式Nobu餐廳聽說還不錯。昨天點了room service海鮮麵和雞肉捲,在肚子很餓的情況下,總體還是覺得很一般😂。 房間就是海濱渡假風,備品選用的西班牙巴塞隆納的品牌natura bisse,題外話它們家有一款Diamond系列面霜還不錯。 Ibiza是派對天堂,每年夏季全球百大DJ都會來此地,據說不少西班牙人也會趁著夏季來打工一番,夏季結束一整年的花費又有了。現在已經接近關閉的時刻,很多奢侈品像寶格麗、迪奧等等都只是開夏季的Pop up店,夏季結束,就等明年再來了。 Nobu hotel Ibiza has a highlight about the ocean view and it’s stunning. There are two swimming pool in the hotel and also one famous Japanese restaurant called Nobu. However, yesterday we ordered room service(seafood pasta and chicken wrap) was just average. The room designed is very relaxing and the toiletries they offer is the brand from Barcelona called Natura Bisse. I tried its diamond series cream before and it was quite nice. Ibiza is a parade for party. Each summer top DJs and celebrities come here for party. I heard many people come here to have a part-time job during summer time. After summer, they can spend their paid for the rest of three seasons. It’s time for closing, su...

世界遺產伊維薩島的中世紀古城⭐️達特維拉⭐️World Heritage UNESCO Ibiza Dalt Vila vlog57

Ibiza (伊維薩島) 因為其生物多樣性和特有文化,在1999年已經被聯合國文教組織列為世界遺產。然而其中的達特維拉古城,也就是今天我們要去冒險的地方,雖有其歷史價值,但因為其數千年的歷史遺蹟,證明資料不夠充足,所以這個古城並未單獨列為世界遺產。不過古城的特殊性,也造就其相當的歷史價值,接近古城時,就能看到巨石門,這是通往古城出入口,整個古城基本上都被高牆所堆砌,這是因為文藝復興時期的軍事建築。沿路也能看到考古博物館、修道院、大教堂等等,時間充裕的話,真的非常適合耗在裡頭好好了解這裡的歷史發展。當然到達頂端大教堂前,也有多的餐廳和少數飯店,都很適合作為歇腳的休憩地。整個古城到處都蠻適合拍照,特別是在半山腰以及頂端時,俯瞰整個ibiza城市景與海景,整個人生都頓時豁然開朗了,不過看看身邊的古城,似乎也有點穿越的感覺! Ibiza, Biodiversity and Culture, was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1999. Although the old town of Dalt Vila, we are going to visit today, has its historical value, the material evidence of its multi-millenial past was not sufficient to justify inscription on the World Heritage List. However, the unique of the old town has its own historical value. When entering the old town, you need to pass a giant stone gate. You can also visit museum, church and so on here. If you have enough time, it’s really good to understand the history and development of Ibiza here. Also, there are many restaurants and bars along the ro...

福門特拉粉色島裸泳 Formentera swimming naked, sexy, nude swimming vlog56

⭐️這次去ibiza順便去了這個著名的粉色沙灘島,海水非常的清徹,還有不同的漸層藍 ✅ 這裡最早以出口粉色鹽為名,這也是為什麼沙灘延邊可以看到淡淡的粉色結晶 ✅ 也是我第一次在海邊就看到好多粉色的水母,還有不少魚 ✅ 可以租個陽傘,懶洋洋地在這躺一天,或是從事海邊活動,真的是一次很棒的島嶼海邊遊! ⭐️ This trip when visiting Ibiza, we also go to the pink Island called Formentera. The water here is very clear and shows a variety of layers ✅ At very beginning, here is very famous for its pink salt and exports to many countries. That’s why pink salt was observed along the beach ✅ This is my first time to see jellyfish in the ocean and you can see fishes too ✅ it’s very casual to lay down there with a parasol and you can jump into ocean too. It’s really an amazing ocean experience Music by MBB Free download: bit.ly/DownloadBeach Check out my Youtube for new music: www.youtube.com/c/mbbmusic

Hi Ibiza closing party - F*** Me I'm Famous! David Guetta, Daddy's Groov...

Are you ready? 準備好了嗎?今晚我們一起動次動次.... Hi Ibiza closing party - F*** Me I'm Famous! ....................................................................................... Ibiza 伊維薩是西班牙著名的一個度假與派對小島,其一今天要先介紹的就是奢華的夜生活,每年一到夏天,世界知名的DJ與明星都會前來共襄盛舉,其實就是派對動物的朝聖天堂!雖然我有點“動次”不動 🤣 ,但既然都在這樣一個派對天堂,不去感受一下怎行,更何況我要帶著大家一起去動次動次... 今天先來動次這家“Hi Ibiza”,也是島上當然也是全球排名前面的俱樂部,前面就是Ushuaïa,其飯店兼派對的泳池主題,也是非常狂野。Hi ibiza 半夜12點開始入場,然後我晚上已經先補眠幾個小時了,不然真心動次不動。 今天的主角是 Daivd Guetta (大衛·庫塔) 是目前世界上最著名、最受推崇的DJ之一(行程表三點半出來),他曾數次獲格萊美獎。和很多世界知名歌手都有合作,像黑眼豆豆的I gotta feeling,雅瑟小子合作的without you,雷哈哪的道歉太難,尼歐和阿肯合作的Play Hard等等太多了。

《今天不流浪之開箱》愛馬仕什麽包相當於背了一台賓士車?!which Hermes bag is worthy of a Mercedes-Ben...

今天又到了世界級流浪漢,不去流浪之開箱系列!今天我們要來開箱愛馬仕的包,什麽包相當於一台賓士車呢?我們馬上來開箱吧! It's time for our unboxing review, not traveling today! We will unbox a Hermes bag and it's worthy of Mercedes-Benz car. Let's unbox!

老朋友招呼似的倫敦公園路喜來登/ Very friendly Sheraton Grand London Park Lane vlog 54

印象中應該是我第一家的喜來登飯店,房間整個設計走比較新潮的路線,當天因為早上11點左右就入住,安排1樓的房間,所以窗景基本就是正對外面的大樓。 這家飯店位置很好,離購物的龐德街或是哈洛德百貨其實都不算遠,當然附近就有Green park和海德公園。之前有住過的洲際、寶格麗和希爾頓也都在這附近不遠。 飯店的「Palm Court」下午茶好像不錯,但因為這次行程安排倫敦紅巴士下午茶就做罷了。然後這次遇到的服務人員也都非常的友善,從入住、送行李、用早餐...一直到退房,整個服務個人覺得還是相當的貼心,有一種老朋友回家的溫暖問候,我個人覺得蠻多老牌(式)五星級飯店,他們服務人員都有類似的服務方式。有興趣的朋友們也可以參考看看。 I think this is my first Sheraton hotel experience. The room is very modern. I checked in very early around 11 am and got a room on the 1st floor. So, the window view was nothing and only could see the building in front of us. However, this hotel has very good location and it's very close to New Bone Street, Harrods, Green Park, Hyde Park and so on. The hotels of Intercontinental, Bvlgari and Hilton we stayed before are also at this area. I think the afternoon tea of Palm Court at this hotel is quite famous. But, we arranged London Red Bus Tour afternoon tea. So we didn't try. If you try, please let me know how you like it. For the service of this hotel, I f...