世界遺產伊維薩島的中世紀古城⭐️達特維拉⭐️World Heritage UNESCO Ibiza Dalt Vila vlog57

Ibiza (伊維薩島) 因為其生物多樣性和特有文化,在1999年已經被聯合國文教組織列為世界遺產。然而其中的達特維拉古城,也就是今天我們要去冒險的地方,雖有其歷史價值,但因為其數千年的歷史遺蹟,證明資料不夠充足,所以這個古城並未單獨列為世界遺產。不過古城的特殊性,也造就其相當的歷史價值,接近古城時,就能看到巨石門,這是通往古城出入口,整個古城基本上都被高牆所堆砌,這是因為文藝復興時期的軍事建築。沿路也能看到考古博物館、修道院、大教堂等等,時間充裕的話,真的非常適合耗在裡頭好好了解這裡的歷史發展。當然到達頂端大教堂前,也有多的餐廳和少數飯店,都很適合作為歇腳的休憩地。整個古城到處都蠻適合拍照,特別是在半山腰以及頂端時,俯瞰整個ibiza城市景與海景,整個人生都頓時豁然開朗了,不過看看身邊的古城,似乎也有點穿越的感覺!

Ibiza, Biodiversity and Culture, was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1999. Although the old town of Dalt Vila, we are going to visit today, has its historical value, the material evidence of its multi-millenial past was not sufficient to justify inscription on the World Heritage List. However, the unique of the old town has its own historical value. When entering the old town, you need to pass a giant stone gate. You can also visit museum, church and so on here. If you have enough time, it’s really good to understand the history and development of Ibiza here. Also, there are many restaurants and bars along the road and you can take a rest to have a drink. When you at the top of old town, you will see stunning 360 degrees city and ocean views across Ibiza. It’s also a good place to take photos.

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Track: Coopex - Over The Sun [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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