福門特拉粉色島裸泳 Formentera swimming naked, sexy, nude swimming vlog56

✅ 這裡最早以出口粉色鹽為名,這也是為什麼沙灘延邊可以看到淡淡的粉色結晶
✅ 也是我第一次在海邊就看到好多粉色的水母,還有不少魚
✅ 可以租個陽傘,懶洋洋地在這躺一天,或是從事海邊活動,真的是一次很棒的島嶼海邊遊!

⭐️ This trip when visiting Ibiza, we also go to the pink Island called Formentera. The water here is very clear and shows a variety of layers
✅ At very beginning, here is very famous for its pink salt and exports to many countries. That’s why pink salt was observed along the beach
✅ This is my first time to see jellyfish in the ocean and you can see fishes too
✅ it’s very casual to lay down there with a parasol and you can jump into ocean too. It’s really an amazing ocean experience

Music by MBB
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