輕奢渡假伊比沙灣諾布飯店+塔拉曼卡海邊/ Nobu Hotel Ibiza Bay‎ + Talamanca Bay

Nobu hotel Ibiza Bay 最大亮點就是這海景房,還有海沿邊就有兩個很大的泳池。另外飯店有一家日式Nobu餐廳聽說還不錯。昨天點了room service海鮮麵和雞肉捲,在肚子很餓的情況下,總體還是覺得很一般😂。

房間就是海濱渡假風,備品選用的西班牙巴塞隆納的品牌natura bisse,題外話它們家有一款Diamond系列面霜還不錯。

Ibiza是派對天堂,每年夏季全球百大DJ都會來此地,據說不少西班牙人也會趁著夏季來打工一番,夏季結束一整年的花費又有了。現在已經接近關閉的時刻,很多奢侈品像寶格麗、迪奧等等都只是開夏季的Pop up店,夏季結束,就等明年再來了。

Nobu hotel Ibiza has a highlight about the ocean view and it’s stunning. There are two swimming pool in the hotel and also one famous Japanese restaurant called Nobu. However, yesterday we ordered room service(seafood pasta and chicken wrap) was just average.

The room designed is very relaxing and the toiletries they offer is the brand from Barcelona called Natura Bisse. I tried its diamond series cream before and it was quite nice.

Ibiza is a parade for party. Each summer top DJs and celebrities come here for party. I heard many people come here to have a part-time job during summer time. After summer, they can spend their paid for the rest of three seasons. It’s time for closing, such as, luxury brands, Dior, Bvlgari. They open during summer time only.

music by
Sunset Beach by Dizaro @dizarofr
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs youtu.be/Sxi8zcy7obk




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