太陽馬戲團+天才米其林主廚的晚餐實驗室 Heart ibiza by Ferran Adria費蘭阿德里亞/ Albert Adria 亞伯特阿...

今天要和大家介紹超體驗的Heart Ibiza餐廳,一家村上隆都很喜愛,且是由西班牙米其林天才大廚Albert與Ferran Adrià兄弟主理的,再結合太陽馬戲團的表演,真的是前所未有的超棒用餐體驗!整個用餐過程分三階段,
第 1️⃣ 階段 馬戲團後台區
第 2️⃣ 階段 中庭閒聊區
第 3️⃣ 階段 主影院區

Today I want to introduce the restaurant offering ultimate dining experience, called Heart Ibiza. This is managed by Michelin star brothers, Albert and Ferran Adria and you can also enjoy fantastic shows performed by cirque du Soleil. It’s an amazing dining experience.

The whole dining have three phrases,
First - Backstage
While trying street foods and cocktails, you can watch those performers to prepare and practice
Second - Terrace
It’s about to warm up before the main show.
Third - Theater
It’s spot lights tonight. You can see a variety of shows while enjoying foods. Those shows are amazing!

The Punisher by Savfk @savfk
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs youtu.be/gUzAAB6Fr9M




倫敦週末漫生活:倫敦公園巷弄希爾頓酒店(London Hilton Park Lane)和 Galvin at Windows餐廳

瑞士一個好似烏托邦的童話城鎮『阿德爾博登Adelboden』與網紅酒店『寒武紀The Cambrain』