我為何要吐槽戈登拉姆齊的三星米其林/Why I complain Restaurant Gordon Ramsay three Michelin...


We tried one of the restaurant managed by Gordon Ramsay, Petrus before and enjoyed the chef table. When sitting there, you can watch the whole kitchen and see each person’s workflow. Also, the head chef was very angry due to an apprentice made a mistake. I was a bit shocked, but it’s unforgettable experience. So, this time we want to try this three Michelin Star, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay. However, all the stories come from the lunch menu. It’s not how bad the food is but this is THREE Michelin restaurant.

For The Night by DIZARO @dizarofr
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs




瑞士一個好似烏托邦的童話城鎮『阿德爾博登Adelboden』與網紅酒店『寒武紀The Cambrain』

倫敦週末漫生活:倫敦公園巷弄希爾頓酒店(London Hilton Park Lane)和 Galvin at Windows餐廳