《今天不流浪之開箱》這是商務艙??!!法航巴塞隆納飛巴黎/ Unbox review air France business from Barc...


Sophisticated World Traveler, not traveling but unboxing review today EP2. Last time we unboxed a Hermes bag with special order and it's value about TWD 3 millions. Today we will unbox a business class from Barcelona to Paris (short trip within Europe). It's really a business class, but don't look like one.

music by
Produced By: Tropix & KILO
Written By: Ian Matthew
Mix/Master: TBigs




瑞士一個好似烏托邦的童話城鎮『阿德爾博登Adelboden』與網紅酒店『寒武紀The Cambrain』

倫敦週末漫生活:倫敦公園巷弄希爾頓酒店(London Hilton Park Lane)和 Galvin at Windows餐廳