倫敦超有趣雙層紅巴士下午茶/ Afternoon Tea Red Bus London Tour vlog51

吃了不少倫敦下午茶,這次來試試倫敦經典復古紅巴士下午茶,一邊吃吃喝喝,一邊遊覽一下倫敦著名景點。坐到一半我真的覺得是一個很搞笑的體驗,因為車子晃得蠻厲害的,當時和一個倫敦當地朋友聊到要去吃紅巴士下午茶,她說她曾經要幫她爸媽預約,結果她爸媽說 “Please NO!" (拜託請不要!) 哈哈,真的是一次有有趣又特別的下午茶體驗!

We experienced a variety of afternoon teas in London. This time, we are tying the afternoon tea London red bus tour. You can enjoy your foods, drinks, while seeing some attractions. I realized this is a fun and funny decision because the bus jumps quite often. Also, I told my local friend that we would try the afternoon tea red bus. She said before she was going to book one for her parents, but her parents said “Please NO!!” Haha…It’s really an unusual afternoon tea experience.

music by

35 Aire - tea time (Felsius Remix)




瑞士一個好似烏托邦的童話城鎮『阿德爾博登Adelboden』與網紅酒店『寒武紀The Cambrain』

倫敦週末漫生活:倫敦公園巷弄希爾頓酒店(London Hilton Park Lane)和 Galvin at Windows餐廳