300年餐廳世界第一家『波丁』西班牙馬德里 (烤乳豬巨好吃)/ first restaurant Botin Madrid in the wor...

根據吉尼斯(金氏)世界紀錄西班牙馬德里『波丁餐廳』,是世界上最古老的一間餐廳,換句話說就是世界第一家到現在還有營業的餐廳,且被金氏世界紀錄認證過,300年!300年!,真的是太幸福了,可以打卡ㄧ家這麽有歷史感的餐廳。推薦烤乳豬和羊排,是它們的拿手菜!一定要嘗嘗,邊吃還有卡滋 卡滋的美味聲喔!簡直太療癒了。

According to the Guinness Book and Records, the Botin is the earliest restaurant in the world. In other words, it is 3 centuries, 300 years. It's unbelievable that I can visit this historical restaurant.

If you come, you must try the two specialities, suckling pig and roasted baby lamb. It's the best I have ever had. When eating, you can hear the katz katz sounds when biting the skin part. It's very crispy - very food therapy.

Music by Track: Culture Code - Feel Again (feat. Harley Bird) [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: youtu.be/YGLA_V_yZXo Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/FeelAgainYO




瑞士一個好似烏托邦的童話城鎮『阿德爾博登Adelboden』與網紅酒店『寒武紀The Cambrain』

倫敦週末漫生活:倫敦公園巷弄希爾頓酒店(London Hilton Park Lane)和 Galvin at Windows餐廳