
香港瑞吉飯店奢華體驗 St. Regis HK ultimate experience vlog 43

香港瑞吉飯店今年4月才剛開幕,新到每每搭計程車,司機都不知道在哪,哈。飯店氛圍把奢華和居家感融合得非常好,房間內部也是延續一樣的設計,內部的裝飾品與洗漱用品等等,質感都優於很多飯店。不過對於其泳池,蠻失望的,略於普通,不論是大小和設備,以及泳池能看到的景色,其實都蠻普通的。另外有去體驗其『潤』餐廳,總體也是比較一般,不過湯品很讚! St Regis HK has a new opening in April this year. It's too new so each time if I ask a taxi driver drives me back to hotel, he didn't know the hotel (address), ha. The hotel blends the elements of luxurious and residential interior designs very well. Its room remains the same characteristic. High quality of toiletries, display goods, decorations and so on are observed. However, there are two points that I feel disappointed to this hotel. First, the outdoor swimming pool is very normal as well as its size, facility, and the view you can see from the pool. Second, the Run restaurant is not that good as it mentions. But, I like its soup a lot. Music by Track: Diamond Eyes - Flutter [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: youtu.be/lEHM9HZf0IA Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/FlutterYO

麗池公園(阿爾卡拉門+朝鮮薊噴泉+阿方索十二世紀念碑+委拉斯蓋茲宮+水晶宮), Retiro park, glass palace, ALFON...

今天我們去西班牙馬德里最大的綠化公園『麗池公園』散散步,裡頭蠻多特色紀念碑與噴水池,像是朝鮮薊噴泉與阿方索十二世紀念碑,還可以在湖泊上划船,很悠閒。 公園裡頭還有小型美術館『委拉斯蓋茲宮』,可以欣賞藝術,當然還有一個網紅打卡景點『水晶宮』,非常特別的一個玻璃建築物,可以這樣很悠閒地散散步,真的很樂活喔! Today we are going to the largest oasis in the heart of Madrid called Retiro Park. In the park, there are some fountains and monuments, such as MONUMENT TO ALFONSO XII and Alcachofa fountain. You can also go boating on the lake. It's very relaxing. There also has the small gallery called Velázquez palace and you can enjoy arts there. Also, the Glass Palace is a very popular place for people to have a photo shooting and it's made of glasses - very unusual. You can go for a walk in the park while enjoying arts - LOHAS. Music by Dizaro---Oh-My_

馬德里大地女神廣場/ 西北萊斯宮 - 藝術+美食+高空景觀 Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid- Art, foods, and ...

其實來過馬德里數十次,每次來多少都會經過西北萊斯宮和西北萊斯廣場(又稱大地女神廣場),一直對裡頭特別的好奇。這次剛好住馬德里威斯汀皇宮飯店,走路過來差不多10幾分鐘。沒想到這個西北萊斯宮,還是一個蠻有趣的地方,可以結合藝術、美食與城市景觀的旅行。 Actually, I have been to Madrid over ten times. Each time I may pass by Plaza de Cibeles (it's also called Cibeles fountain). I am always curious about this building. This time we stay at the Westin Palace and it's only ten minutes by walking to go there. So, we decide to visit this place. I found it's an interesting place that you can have arts, foods, city view trip all together. Music by Ayin Sunday Morning (Ayin's mix)

300年餐廳世界第一家『波丁』西班牙馬德里 (烤乳豬巨好吃)/ first restaurant Botin Madrid in the wor...

根據吉尼斯(金氏)世界紀錄西班牙馬德里『波丁餐廳』,是世界上最古老的一間餐廳,換句話說就是世界第一家到現在還有營業的餐廳,且被金氏世界紀錄認證過,300年!300年!,真的是太幸福了,可以打卡ㄧ家這麽有歷史感的餐廳。推薦烤乳豬和羊排,是它們的拿手菜!一定要嘗嘗,邊吃還有卡滋 卡滋的美味聲喔!簡直太療癒了。 According to the Guinness Book and Records, the Botin is the earliest restaurant in the world. In other words, it is 3 centuries, 300 years. It's unbelievable that I can visit this historical restaurant. If you come, you must try the two specialities, suckling pig and roasted baby lamb. It's the best I have ever had. When eating, you can hear the katz katz sounds when biting the skin part. It's very crispy - very food therapy. Music by Track: Culture Code - Feel Again (feat. Harley Bird) [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: youtu.be/YGLA_V_yZXo Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/FeelAgainYO

世界三大美術館馬德里普拉多博物館/ top 3 museums Prado Madrid vlog36

世界三大美術館之一,馬德里普拉多,館藏含金量非常之高。別忘了可以運用免費參觀的時段喔! Top 3 museums in the world - the Prado Madrid, having prestigious collections. Don't forget you can have a free visit at specific time. music by Track: Rival x Cadmium - Willow Tree (feat. Rosendale) [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: youtu.be/kddC4gi72UE Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/WillowTreeYO

夏日玻利維亞狂歡節遊行(馬德里)/ Bolivia Carnival (parade) Madrid vlog37

這次入住馬德里威斯汀皇宮飯店,當時正在辦理入住手續,聽到外面遠處有很熱鬧的音樂聲,然後以最快的速度完成入住程序,到了房間看到遠處有遊行的隊伍,當時也不太知道是什麼遊行,就衝過去了。沒想到真的是亂入了玻利維亞在馬德里的狂歡節,看著大家穿著傳統服飾,配合他們自己的音樂,遊行跳舞,真的是非常的好玩喔! This time we are staying at the Westin Palace hotel. When checking in, I heard very loud music outside. Meanwhile, I was trying my best to complete the check-in procedures. I saw the parade from the window view, after entering to my room. At that time, I didn't know what the parade is about, but I ran over there. Actually, it is a Bolivia carnival in Madrid. They were dancing with their traditional clothes and music. It's really fun!

太享受!邊聽歌劇邊吃早午餐 馬德里威斯汀皇宮飯店/ Opera Sunday Brunch Westin Palace Madrid vlog35

這次入住在西班牙馬德里的威斯汀皇宮飯店,飯店週日有Opera Sunday Brunch歌劇早午餐,竟然可以邊吃早午餐,邊聽歌劇,會部會太享受啊!食物像是海鮮等肉類都不錯,當然甜點也是,畢竟五星飯店還是有其水準! This time we are staying at the Westin Palace, Madrid and it has Opera Sunday Brunch. You can enjoy yummy foods while someone is singing opera - over the moon! The foods they provided are quite good, such as seafoods, beef and so on. Also the desserts tasted good too. After all, this is a five-star hotel and everything has its standard. music by Track: Last Heroes - Dimensions [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: youtu.be/ZPuvoDZj2hM Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/DimensionsYO