
目前顯示的是 12月, 2019的文章

Casa Batllo Magic night/巴特羅(由)奇幻音樂之夜 Vlog67

Casa batllo has a variety of activities each year. During summer time, it has magic night which you can experience live music at rooftop after visiting Casa Batllo. It's an amazing experience not only to see the Gaudi architecture, but also to enjoy good music atmosphere at the rooftop. Enjoy the video and you will love the Casa Batllo by Gaudi. 巴特羅(由)之家整年都會有不一樣的活動,特別在夏日時光。它在頂樓天臺的部分,會舉辦現場音樂表演,真的是很精彩的演出。不旦可以參觀了解高迪巴特羅的設計,還能享受夏日音樂會,真的是太棒的體驗了! Music by Track: Sk-Hall & Ludwiig - New Beginning [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: youtu.be/mNGJ7WKcF1U Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/NewBeginning

Sushi SHIKON by Yoshitake Hong Kong (3 Michelin Stars) 香港三星米其林志魂壽司 vlog66

🌟🌟🌟三星米其林「至魂」壽司🍣 這是一場日式壽司體驗之旅,真的彷彿置身在東京享用一場視覺、觸覺與味蕾的饗宴!所以食材都是簡單與新鮮的料理,吃到的都是道地的味道。 當然還有讓人感受到的日式壽司文化等等。 ✅ 料理主廚「柿沼利治」,隨時都在觀察與照顧每一位賓客,也會和客人閒話家常,很溫馨的感覺 ✅ 壽司基本都是用手快速從盤子抓起 ✅ 盡量30秒內把壽司食用,因為溫度、時間等,會讓味道有所變化,特別時間久了,壽司的飯會鬆開 ✅ 不需要加醬油以及額外的芥末 還有搭配的酒水飲料、香水等氣味細節,都會影響用餐體驗,真的是有機會要去體驗的一場日式壽司饗宴! One of the best sushi I have ever tried! I not only have best sushi here but also have a complete journey of Japan sushi experience. I hope you will enjoy the video. Cheers! Song: BraveLion - Sleeping Jungle (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://youtu.be/-lXuuGG9d3Y

《今天不流浪之開箱》歐洲西班牙聖誕大禮包 (來自寶格麗的聖誕禮物)/ Unboxing Christmas gift pack from Bvl...

今天 @世界級流浪漢,不去流浪之開箱系列,要來給大家開箱歐洲西班牙的聖誕大禮包,到底會有什麽東西?另外這個是寶格麗贈送的聖誕禮物,非常感謝!那我們就快來開箱吧! Sophisticated World Traveler, not traveling, but unboxing today! We are going to unbox a Christmas gift pack from Bvlgari. I can't wait to share and let's start!

聖誕之靈 | The spirit of Christmas, Sagrada Familia 2019 L’esperit de Nadal ...

The spirit of Christmas (from Sagrada Familia official website) We know Christmas is coming because the streets are lit up, warming the winter darkness. Because, at home, we have nougats and a decorated tree. But, above all, because we are filled with the Christmas spirit, a feeling that inspires us to meet up with loved ones simply to show how much we care. 聖誕之靈 主要講述了『誕生立面』的故事,畢竟這一面的故事是童貞瑪利亞懷孕,一直到耶穌誕生,所以是歡樂與迎接新生命的氣氛,也說明了誕生立面上的1) 仁慈之門 2) 希望之門 3) 信心之門等故事

The spirit of Christmas, Sagrada Familia 2019 L’esperit de Nadal | El es...

The spirit of Christmas (from Sagrada Familia official website) We know Christmas is coming because the streets are lit up, warming the winter darkness. Because, at home, we have nougats and a decorated tree. But, above all, because we are filled with the Christmas spirit, a feeling that inspires us to meet up with loved ones simply to show how much we care. 聖誕之靈 主要講述了『誕生立面』的故事,畢竟這一面的故事是童貞瑪利亞懷孕,一直到耶穌誕生,所以是歡樂與迎接新生命的氣氛,也說明了誕生立面上的1) 仁慈之門 2) 希望之門 3) 信心之門等故事

W London Leicester Square, luxury hotel/ 倫敦夜店風W飯店 vlog65

W London Leicester Square has a very good location at China Town and it remains W hotel's style of night club design. I hope you will enjoy my video. W倫敦飯店就在中國城入口處,有絕佳的地理位置,飯店也一如既往維持W的夜店風,希望你們會喜歡這次的飯店打卡喔! music by Let go - Ikson

Top 3 London Christmas Markets(Leicester Square, Covent Garden, Seven Di...

一年一度的聖誕節就要來啦!這次我們去了三家非常熱鬧的聖誕市集,第三間是在室內的,平常就是一個吃飯的好去處,聖誕節更是滿滿假期氣氛喔! X'mas in on the corner. We go to the most popular 3 X'mas markets this time. For the 3rd one, it's a food court at normal time. During X'mas you can feel wonderful atmosphere there. Music by NCS: Music without limitations. | artist: @cartoonbaboon

London Best Christmas Walk ��Regent Street, Oxford Street, Carnaby Street...

One of the best walk to see London Christmas magic lights. I hope you will enjoy my video. 倫頓最浪漫的街燈秀,希望你們會喜歡這部短片喔! Music by Track: KIRA - New World [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/NewWorld

上海艾迪遜飯店竟然有“9”個酒吧,我們去挑戰吧!醉倒?! Visit Edition Shanghai nine bars, drunk?! V...

上海艾迪遜承襲著集團標榜的「新世代奢華風格」,隨處可見簡單卻優雅的設計。以下是入住亮點(影片最後有幕後花絮,打卡完艾迪遜酒吧後,竟然又去了另一家飯店,上海最愛的酒吧之一🤣) ✅ 飯店有九個酒吧,扣除三個餐廳,依舊有6個,雖然每個都不大,但是特色十足 ➕ Punch room酒吧有艾迪遜特色調酒,不需要預約(倫敦如果要進入這個酒吧,需要事前預約) ➕俱樂部酒吧(Club bar)有電影院和KTV,當時去體驗了一下電影院 ➕頂樓酒吧(Roof bar) 可以180度欣賞外灘風景(燈光秀請參考影片),下午茶也是網紅打卡地 (其它酒吧可以參考影片) ✅ 飯店贈送的蜘蛛🕷️蛋糕,非常的有創意且很真 ✅ 高級性冷淡也有一點點地中海式的泳池,也有一個小spa池,只是整個躺椅只有六個會不會有點少,當時去游泳確實沒有人 ✅ 房間維持優雅的極簡風格,也是品牌想傳達的文化,還有張曼玉與梁朝偉「花樣年華」的圖片,非常有意境 ✅ 飯店位於上海歷史建築內,不過我覺得大堂設計有點可惜,如果能把撞球桌那邊的空間結合,會更有活力的氛圍,不過也許就是在歷史建築,設計上有些限制 ✅ 服務總體而言我覺得比較一般 vs 倫敦艾迪遜,這裡感覺前台(當時遇到)和退房都是很junior的員工,應對和我在倫敦的經驗差別很大,不過去不同酒吧的時候,他們人都蠻好的,會蠻熱心,在頂樓酒吧最後也安排了最佳景觀位 music by DIZARO 🎵 Spotify : spoti.fi/2DgEmEl 🎥 Youtube : www.youtube.com/c/dizaro 💻 Facebook : www.facebook.com/Dizarofr/