
目前顯示的是 11月, 2019的文章

《今天不流浪之開箱》中國國航商務艙 巴賽隆納飛上海/ Unbox Air China Business Class from Barcelona...

第一搭乘國航商務艙,從巴塞隆納飛上海,機上有哪些設施呢?餐飲如何?快和世界級流浪漢,一起去流浪,一同來體驗! First time to take Air China business class from Barcelona to Shanghai. What kind of services do they offer? How about foods? Following Sophisticated World Traveler, let's wander here and there! Music NCS: Music without limitations. | artist: @divinersmusic

探索全亞洲第1家希爾頓嘉悅里/ 1st Canopy Hilton Chengdu Asia Vlog

作為希爾頓旗下,亞太首家的成都嘉悅里(canopy)讓我感覺像「平替版」的瑞吉飯店,但表達更多的是一種年輕活力的輕奢風,飯店東西文化的結合,特別能發現滿滿的四川京劇臉譜與成都熊貓特色等設計,且房間貫穿品牌鮮明的橙色,與大量的木質古樸元素,鮮活中又帶有平和的意境。另外飯店細節做的都蠻到位的,其它亮點如下, ✅ 飯店「天府廣場窗景」,以前有項目+旅遊,常走在天府廣場,第一次俯瞰這太陽神鳥搭配的太極風水設計(最後一張圖) ✅ 高端的Tara Smith洗浴用品,包裝算是住過飯店裡頭,數一數二有設計的 ✅ 舒適Serta床墊,飯店稱「悅睡床」,特殊的ZoneActive五區海綿層+體溫平衡技術,昨晚雖有時差,依舊還算有不錯的睡眠質量 ✅ 數位控版的智能KOHLER馬桶,按摩更加用心😂 ✅ 贈送「we have covered you」棉襪,其飯店的標語「你出行,我關罩」 ✅ 早餐如果不去餐廳享用,可以選擇客房服務輕選擇,有簡單的水果、酸奶和飲品 ✅ 史上最萌文具,笑臉夾有看過,但粉紅章魚🐙橡皮擦很萌 music by Syn Cole - Feel Good [NCS Release]

辣飛屁股成都夜宵(蒼蠅館子三哥田螺、滷火鍋賢合庄 陳赫 葉一茜 、串串冒椒火辣) Spicy foods ChengDu vlog60

這次成都辣飛屁股宵夜之旅,帶大家去吃吃以下這三家餐廳 ✅蒼蠅館子『三哥田螺』 一家歷史悠久的蒼蠅館子,環境確實很普通,不過確實蠻有特色的,基本上每盤菜都很大一盤,不過吃完後,還是一樣的大盤 ✅滷火鍋『賢合庄』 目前成都最火的滷火鍋,白天基本都要排上好幾個小時,這次半夜兩點到,依舊前面還有六桌。濃郁的湯頭配上新鮮的食材,真的非常的好吃 ✅串串『冒椒火辣』 這家串串應該是冷油串串,不過重點是,竟然有兔頭,怎麽可以吃兔兔! This ChengDu trip, I am going to show you the following three late night meals - yummy and super spicy ✅ Snail managed by the 3rd brother This is a very old restaurant and the environment is quite dirty. However, the foods here are quite good. Also, before/ after eating, you will find out all the dishes are still the same. ✅ Hot pot with stewed soup “Xian He Zhuang” It’s one of the most popular hot pot in chengdu now. We arrives at 2 am and still have six tables before us. Very unique and yummy soup to cook all ingredients. I really like very much. ✅ Chuan chuan “spicy and hot” This restaurant uses cold oil. However, the most important is that they provide rabbit head. How anyone can eat rabbit!! Track: Unkown Brain - Perfect 10 (Unknown Brain & Rudelies Rem...

《今天不流浪之開箱》我曾經的第一個愛馬仕包, 柏金包?凱莉包?和最愛的棒球帽 my first ever Hermes bag, Birkin...

🌟今天要給大家開箱兩樣東西, ✅第一樣是我自己很喜歡的一個棒球帽!帽型非常的好,大家看完影片後,可以給我點回饋,看看你們覺得好看嗎? ✅第二樣是我很久以前第一次拿到的愛馬仕包款,一個我覺得很樸實又低調,但是名氣也不小的一款包,不知道大家第一個拿到的愛馬仕包是什麽呢?或著買過的第一個包是什麼?歡迎分享喔! ✅最後這次是在一個絕美的海邊,給大家來開箱的,所以覺得這個包用在這個場合,也是不錯的,當然千萬別碰到水😂。 最後希望你們會喜歡今天的開箱喔! 🌟Today I will unbox two Hermes items, ✅First, it’s a baseball cap that I like very much. It has a very good shape when wearing. You can share with me your feedback to see if you think the cap is good on me? ✅Second, it’s a Hermes bag. I think many years ago my first Hermes bag was the same design but different color. I think this is a low profile bag, but quite famous. You can also share with me your first Hermes bag. ✅Third, today we are at a stunning beach to unbox these two items. I think you can bring this bag at the beach. But, please make sure to be away from water😂. I hope you will enjoy our unboxing review today. Cheers!

Ritz Shanghai, Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai ...

拍了一段影片給大家欣賞一下上海三巨頭的美景! One of the best views in Shanghai! Track: KIRA - New World [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/NewWorld

上海外灘夜景燈光秀 Magic lights on the bund 上海艾迪逊酒店

上海外灘燈光秀 Magic lights on the bund music by DIZARO